The Importance of Setting Boundaries: Balancing Work and Personal Life

Work-life balance has lately taken centre stage in recent years, and it's good to have people discussing it. Being an entrepreneur, and preferred recruitment partner for hundreds of our clients, I have suffered burnout first-hand. While being a strong advocate for work-life balance, it also comes as a disclaimer that work-life balance is not an excuse for poor performance and less accountability for their work. A work-life balance needs some strategic planning while setting our priorities right. I and my team at Savanna speak to hundreds of job seekers on daily basis and also, speak to scores of our clients who are always on the lookout for talented employees. There are a few things that we should always keep in mind while we observe work-life imbalance.
1. Choose the right career for yourself
Does it sound so cliche, love your job. We have been hearing this since time immemorial. Ask an entrepreneur who is all excited to achieve new milestones, who rejoices on closure of each deal, who loves to wake up each morning and take on new challenges. Not only entrepreneurs but anyone who loves the job they are doing. Who see each day as an opportunity to conquer the world, they just don’t get tired doing the same job daily. But if you are not among the two, and you are doing a job because of certain pressure, or because you don’t know what else to do. Stop, rethink about your decision and look for something which excites you. A work, which will help you pay the bills and also not burn you out.
2. Setting your priorities right
Work for your aspirations, plan your life, and prioritise your to do list. Always know that there are times in life when we need to slow down. Respect your own limitations, and convey it to others if the need arises. If you are going through some crisis, seek some help, reach out to your support system and know it’s okay to stop at times. Setting respectful boundaries starts in mind, you should not feel like a culprit if you have a small baby at home, or an ailing parent and you want extra time at home. If your job is too demanding, step back and take some part-time opportunities for the time being. It’s your life, and you need to take charge of it. But staying in a highly demanding job, not performing well there and not being able to focus at your front as well, creates dual conflict. Don't escape from taking that tough but right decision. You might have to suffer some pay cut or less compensation for the time being, but you know it better what your priority is. Sometimes, more than others, we judge our lives most and feel some shame or guilt for not being able to achieve the milestones which others are achieving. Others Life is not yours, and you are not supposed to lead others dreams and aspirations.
3. Structure your day
So many of us are working from home and the boundaries between work and life are blurred. You might be working and you are concerned about your child not having his lunch. Or your house help, reminding you that grocery needs to be refiled. In such times, you need to plan your day better. As an entrepreneur, I take out small walks in the evening to decompress myself and clear out my thoughts. If you love your evening tea with family, let your team know that you are not available during that time. Waking up little early helps, having some time for yourself, just taking a shower in peace without 10 things in mind is so rejuvenating. Your calendar should not be too over loaded, seek help or share the load if its getting too much. Have a clear conversation with your employer if your every working hour is loaded with high-intensity work. Take breaks, use your casual leaves and spend some time doing what you love. Limit your screen time. A recent study says that your brain does not distinguish between your screen time at work time or when you scroll social media. It takes that social media time as work time. So, stress is getting doubled.
4. Learn to handle unpleasant situations
Whatever work you do, howsoever you love your job or business, there will be times when you face unfavourable situations. There might be a cash crunch, unrealistic expectations, an unachievable timeline, faltering on efficiency, and demanding clients. Learn to handle them well. Communicate well, advocate for yourself and try to find a middle ground. Never be afraid to say what you need, as your manager or boss won’t know if you don't tell them. If you want to learn something new, explore something more on the job, ask for it.
If you are jobseeker, struggling in your current job, struggling to find a balance and want to achieve more, reach some learning and development coach. We at Savanna can help you connect with some great coaches who can hold your hand and help you transition in your tough times. Setting boundaries and having a work life balance is not a myth. It can easily be achieved by some proper planning and setting correct expectations.
Reach us if you are a jobseeker and looking for some great organization to work with.
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