What are the Job opportunities in EdTech

Job Opportunities in Education Industry are ample. You can be a fresher, teacher, software engineer, marketer, coach or finance professional, fast-growing education industry has job opportunity for everyone.  This blog is about job opportunities for teachers in Edtech Industry. I have been a teacher myself , and I can strongly say being a teacher is the best thing that has happened to my life . If you see my LinkedIn Introduction , you would find my journey from corporate HR consultant , to teaching and then Entrepreneur . As a recruitment consultant for Education and publishing sector , I realized that with passage of time teaching profession has graduated into many lucrative opportunities . I am going to refer few of them here .

Trainer / Mentor

Teaching is in itself a mentoring role , but to take it on professional front you can pursue it as full fledged Trainer . You may become a corporate trainer for soft skills , you may train people as subject matter expert . You may also coach other teachers on the basis of your own rich experience . Trainer is a highly paying job , where you can earn per session or on full time basis . You have added advantage of meeting new batch of people and travelling to different places . You also learn by observing different organisational structure . It is equally learning opportunity for you as well . Author / Curriculum Designer You have taught a particular subject for long and now you have mastered the subject to its core . Lets share the knowledge with world , you can author books , design curriculum on freelance or with any curriculum designing company .Its a great way to share your rich experience in the form of books to other teachers .


Teachers are sought after for next level of authoring . Who can be the best editor than who has done this job day in and day out for so many years evaluating notebooks of students . If you are the teacher who wants to move of noisy class room and do some good peaceful editing for some excellent books

Content Writer / Subject Matter Expert

Today when a class room is being captured in a tablet and in the form of smart classes , you may research and create content for these platforms . It gives you option to be as creative as you can be , since you have the first hand experience of being in a class . You better understand the needs of students. With so much of experimentation going on in education , it has become a major industry today . Being A teacher is just not the end of professional joureny , you have a great ladder of success lying ahead . We hope to update you with many more avenues in future . Do share your views on this. Reach us for any query: swati@hirexl.in / hello@savannahr.com