Best remote work to do from home

Working from home is a dream job for most workers. But it may literally surprise you that there are lots of jobs that you can do from home.

Here, I got a list of jobs that women can do at home-

Working From Home

Recruitment solution

Recruitment solution is a kind the best work for everyone to do from home. Many companies or consultancies in India hire free lance’s for recruitment. They can work not only for one particular company but for many companies. Some of the companies who hire employees for Recruitment solution is-



You can also check their official websites for getting more information just by clicking on their particular links.


This profile can include anything from software engineering to app development, to website design, systems administration, testing, and ops infrastructure. If anyone has professional skills then he/she can also be a Developer, Legal Advisor, Financial Consultant, Real Estate Advisor, Social media influencer and can run the office for consulting business.

Content Writing

It is a form of online writing which is connected with a digital marketing campaign. This means creating content for a website. There are many companies that pay a very good amount to a content writer. Content writing is a good opportunity for everyone to do work from their homes. You can also be an influencer, social media influencer and reviewer for a company. There are many companies which hire content writers like-

Content Holic-

Swift mines-

Write shacks-

You can also check their official websites for getting more information just by clicking on their particular links.

Online tutor

Anyone can also start their carrier on YouTube as a tutor. They can uploads videos for knowledge, motivation, cooking, healthy fact and many more. There are lots of people’s are uploading videos on YouTube and earning a good amount of source. This job gives them confidence for speaking in a very fluent manner and it also helps to enhance some more skills. Some other ways to earn an online income: Home-based self-improvement, personality development or any professional courses they can make it online through their blog.

Sell Products Online

Many people’s know artwork and preparing handicraft items from their childhood day. They can make this as an online business which will earn regularly. They can put their product on Facebook, Linkedin, WhatsApp, etc.

Opens a small scale business

Anyone can run a shop in their homes for their earning. Opening a shop in the home is the most common and healthy business of earning. People can also start their own coaching centers in homes for students. They can also start their own bakery shop if they love baking. There are many ways to do work from home but have a passion for doing anything is important.

You can check our previous blog on how to start your own business by clicking on the given link- How to start your business .


You can also be Dietitian/Nutritionist and also start their clinic for guiding people for staying fit in their life.  A fit and healthy person can be the best dietitian for his family as well as for their clients.

You can check posts of a good Dietitian/Nutritionist Neha Ranglani in Mumbai by clicking right click on this link and influencer Priya’s post on diet


Anyone can be a blogger. If you have a passion for anything like photography, painting, singing, etc. Then you can start your own blogs on the internet by posting your experiences with images.

For more such blog go and follow hirexl website- Savanna HR Blogs