Beautiful Mind in a Beautiful Office!

We love awaking to a beautiful sunrise , feeling the warmth of our cosy bed sipping our favorite cuppa tea , with twittering of sparrows in the backyard. We all love to have a good beginning of the day because we all believe it sets the tempo of the day ahead . What if this pleasantness is carried forward to the whole day and we enjoy the same freshness and energy while we work . Research has proved that simple variations in the workplace really adds loads of positive vibes to the environment .

Keep a plant on your desk , or around you at the workplace

We work to grow and evolve and often while working we lose connect with your own goals . We forget while coding and decoding why we are here . It often becomes so mechanical that we may feel the burden in form of stress and boredom . A small sapling or a little greenery would keep you connected to the nature . It will bring the sense of growth in your approach and always keep you focussed . Maybe today you can carry a small plant to your desk and smile at it while you work . It will surely keep you refreshed .

Fix a big mirror at the entrance of your office .

entrance of the office is the place which should attract lot of positive vibes , and magnify the aura . While you enter seeing your true self in the office, it will help you project yourself in better way . You will start visualizing yourself more confident and would begin this practice for betterment . A big mirror on entrance magnifies your self image and also your perception about your workplace .

Lighten up the office

Light is one such factor which keeps you energetic . Dim or dull light would make you less focused and lethargic to some extent . You may lose sight of your goal and tend to feel sleepy . A good amount of light equally dispersed in the office helps you focus and reduce any eye strain . It

It would be lovely to smell orange or lavender in your workplace

A good fragrance is always so welcoming , a dash of lemon or mint when enhaled keeps us alert . It promotes better concentration and has calming effect on our stress .It works as energy booster and increases our concentration level . It prepares you for more challenges in the later half of day .

Allow some soothing music

almost all of us would agree that listening to music helps us charge up and we feel more refreshed . It makes us more alert and improves our concentration level .Research has proved that soothing music improves employee morale . We may chose the type of music according to our preference if playing on headphone . Else we may play some good music specially during morning and lunch time , to break the monotony of work .

I really hope you liked these few ways which has added to happiness in my workplace . Looking forward to know some more interesting ideas which you have implemented in your office .

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